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Malaysia Flights (MH370, MH17)
Watch the entire video or go straight to the math part at 9:10.
The Malaysia Flights Were a Sign From God!
MH370 Symbolized the rapture. It vanished!
- Incident on March 8, 2014
- 239 onboard
MH17 Symbolized the great tribulation that comes after. It was blown up!
- Incident on July 17, 2014
- 298 onboard
The sign of what's coming:
Estimated population on earth in 2014: 7.17 billion
7.17 billion people
1.8 billion people killed by the 3 horsemen. 1/4 of
earth's population.
-2.39 billion raptured. 1/3 of earth's population.
2.98 billion go into the great tribulation
(those left behind)
"Where a white horse is good and a beast is bad."
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